Using secure WebAPI services from a JavaScript SPA (300)

Using secure WebAPI services from a JavaScript SPA (300)

Speaker: Don Wibier In this session, I will walk you through the process of setting up a WebAPI service and how to secure it by using MS Identity and the OWIN middleware. I will also show the steps involved on how to get authenticated and create a JavaScript single page application including authentication to accessRead more about Using secure WebAPI services from a JavaScript SPA (300)[…]

How to create a reliable application – in other words: Debugger in action! (400)

How to create a reliable application – in other words: Debugger in action! (400)

Speaker: Beata Zalewa According to the definition from Wikipedia “Debugging is the process of systematically reduce the number of bugs … which usually involves the controlled execution of the program under inspection of debugger.” To create an application, that works seamlessly in real time, without failure and unplanned downtime, we can choose from many brandedRead more about How to create a reliable application – in other words: Debugger in action! (400)[…]

Everyone Loves Docker Containers Before They Understand Docker Containers (200)

Everyone Loves Docker Containers Before They Understand Docker Containers (200)

Speaker: Alex Mang Each year the IT world offers a hype-word. The last decade has all been about mobile, cloud, Big Data and IoT. In the context of cloud apps however, monolithic applications have little to offer in terms of HA and DR and their deployment process is mostly an error-prone operation. Curious enough, evenRead more about Everyone Loves Docker Containers Before They Understand Docker Containers (200)[…]

Hands-on Experience: What It Means to Design a Domain Model (400)

Hands-on Experience: What It Means to Design a Domain Model (400)

Speaker: Dino Esposito The expression “Domain Model” is one of the most abused expressions of the recent history of software. Everyone talks about it; everyone thinks everyone else is doing it and therefore everyone claims they are doing it. Yes, but how? Entity Framework and Code-First have a role in this. Built with the databaseRead more about Hands-on Experience: What It Means to Design a Domain Model (400)[…]

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