Closing Keynote: Rethinking “Enterprise”

Closing Keynote: Rethinking “Enterprise”

Speaker: Ted Neward The era of the big, heavy, transactionally-oriented relational-backed client/server topology, as best described by the J2EE Specification and Blueprints document, seems to be over. The era of the lightweight, transactionally-oriented relational-backed client/server topology seems to be at its zenith. Is this really where we want to be when building enterprise systems? AndRead more about Closing Keynote: Rethinking “Enterprise”[…]

Abusing C#

Abusing C#

Speaker: Jon Skeet Don’t you just love all the new features the team has been packing into C#? Perhaps your first thought on hearing about a new version is “Wow, that could really help my code base – I can’t wait to put it into production.” Not me. I think “I wonder what I couldRead more about Abusing C#[…]

Functional, reactive web abstractions for .NET (300)

Functional, reactive web abstractions for .NET (300)

Speaker: Adam Granicz WebSharper is a mature, open-source web ecosystem for developing enterprise F# (and now C#!) web applications. It accommodates standards-based web development by building on F#, a powerful functional-first language; robust and sound functional programming abstractions for modeling user interfaces, web forms, safe URLs, and even entire web applications in the type system;Read more about Functional, reactive web abstractions for .NET (300)[…]

Video materials from previous edition

Video materials from previous edition

NET DeveloperDays 2015 was a conference for all developers using Visual Studio and Microsoft development stack. Following the link below you will find records from all sessions from that edition.

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